Goal for my 30th year
The big three-oh. Yes, I turned thirty this year. I told myself to get ready to do something big, scary and special to forever remember what I did during my thirtieth year. So, while I have been back in the United Kingdom I have taken this time to Learn how to ride a Motorbike among many other activities. Learning to ride a motorbike is only one part of the preparation for a bigger part of my goal I must act before my thirtieth year is over.
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My experience as a #DigitalNomad
After a year of traveling and working when I can, I can conclude that the dream of working and traveling is a hard mix to get right.
Don’t get me wrong, being able to earn while traveling makes the journey last longer. I have visited 13 countries in 13 months, learned how to scuba dive and experienced new ways of living.
During my travels I have factored in a good amount of ‘down time’ to, commit some work and relax doing, well nothing.
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Still here
For those of you wondering, I’m still here and active, and have just been plain lazy and enjoying myself on my travels. My Instagram account is linked to my site and publishes automatically my photo updates that I hope you’re enjoying and not finding too annoying.
I am working a new design for my site that displays photos bigger and better. A few draft posts are in the pipelines but yet to finish the media content completely, due to limited internet bandwidth.
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Celebrating over 6 months of traveling
It’s such an alien feeling spending the holiday season over 10,000km (6,600 miles) away from my family. Actually this would have been the first Christmas I spent not dancing with Turkey and feasting on gorgeous food. However far I go I always think of home, I may not Skype that often as I would like to but it is nice to hear my mom, and dogs are still doing well, I do worry about my step dad Gary though.
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