No! I do not want taxi

Saturday we chilled at Himalayan Java and Places catching up on the news, emails and getting some work done.  It did seem a bit busier with people trying to sell you things, and the odd taxi man approaching you saying “I have taxi” (fed up with pestering taxi men, I responded “Good on you”!).

It also rained today, first tropical monsoon rain we’ve experienced while being here.

Places is a Vegetarian restaurant that is laid-back and chilled, most people here utilising the fast internet and creative atmosphere to get things done or just relax.


Vegetarian Pesto Dough MoMo's

Vegetarian Pesto Dough MoMo's

Biber Dolmasi (Stuffed Peppers)

Biber Dolmasi (Stuffed Peppers)

Taste Platter - Spinach Pie, Baked Potato Tortilla, Steamed Vegetable Salad

Taste Platter - Spinach Pie, Baked Potato Tortilla, Steamed Vegetable Salad

The food here was great for a strictly vegetarian meal, kudos to the atmosphere too.

As we didn’t really go far or eat much, we only spent ₨1936.78 (about £11.64) this day.

Places « | » Dusty walk